Even though we can’t have our carol service in person this year, we’re looking forward to being together online. Why not join us right here on the 20th December at 4pmYou can still expect some of your favourite carols, Bible readings done by church members and a collection of excellent videos. Best of all, we’ll explore the hope offered that first Christmas.


Zoom Details: After our carol service finishes at 5pm, why not get yourself a hot chocolate, mince pie and join us on zoom for a chat? We’d love to enjoy the mince pie with you in person, but this is the next best thing. Just click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81196610908?pwd=QUpUSTUvZ21TR0lrb2pCcUdjZVhWdz09. The meeting ID is 811 9661 0908 and the passcode is 901172. We’ll see you there!